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(Created page with " *u+,q- org 04000h-7 db 0feh dw start+04000h dw einde+04000h dw start+04000h bdos2 equ 0f37dh sfirst equ 011h snext equ 012h setdma equ 01ah create equ 22...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 05:13, 16 July 2019


	org 04000h-7
	db 0feh
	dw start+04000h
	dw einde+04000h
	dw start+04000h

bdos2	equ 0f37dh
sfirst	equ 011h
snext	equ 012h
setdma	equ 01ah
create	equ 22
read	equ 39
write	equ 38
open	equ 15
close	equ 16
delete	equ 19
seldsk	equ 14

xpos	equ 08000h	;->in song maar 200 lang!
xleng	equ xpos+200	;->last position
xuser1	equ xleng+1	;->usercode #1
xmmvoc	equ xuser1+2	;->module instrumenten
xmmsti	equ xmmvoc+16*9	;->instrumenten module
xpasti	equ xmmsti+16	;->instrumenten/volumes pac
xstpr	equ xpasti+32	;->stereo-instellingen
xtempo	equ xstpr+10	;->begintempo
xsust	equ xtempo+1	;->modulation depth
xnaam	equ xsust+1	;->songnaam
xchip	equ xnaam+40	;->voorkeurchip
xbegvm	equ xchip+1	;->begininstrumenten module
xbegvp	equ xbegvm+9	;->begininstrumenten pac
xorgp1	equ xbegvp+9	;->data van softwarevoices pac
xorgnr	equ xorgp1+6*8	;->nummers van software voices
xsmpkt	equ xorgnr+6	;->samplekitnaam
xdrblk	equ xsmpkt+8	;->drumblokken pac
xdrvol	equ xdrblk+15	;->volumes drum pac
xdrfrq	equ xdrvol+3	;->frequenties drum pac
xuser2	equ xdrfrq+3*6	;->usercode#2 (=1 op met andere codering)
xrever	equ xuser2+2	;->reverb instellingen
xloop	equ xrever+9	;->loop position
xbegmd	equ 08240h

ownvdt	equ 0c400h+176*25
smpnr	equ 0f975h
loaded	equ 0f976h
notvcm	equ 0f977h
notvcp	equ 0f977h+9
smpadr	equ notvcp+9
smknam	equ smpadr+56
vcenr	equ smknam+8
fkndat	equ vcenr+1
keybdt	equ fkndat+1
midint	equ keybdt+1	;0=musmod   1=turbo-r   2=vak
usrdat	equ midint+1
us2dat	equ usrdat+2
naudat	equ us2dat+2
scandt	equ naudat+1

sngpag	equ	1
edtpag	equ	2
dskpag	equ	3
em1pag	equ	4
em2pag	equ	5
vocpag	equ	6
smppag	equ	7
val255	equ	0f346h

subs	equ	0d900h
subs2	equ	0d914h
subs3	equ	0d928h

start:	push	hl
	ld	hl,(0f3dch)
	push	hl
	add	a,a
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	ld	hl,jmpdat-2
	add	hl,de
	ld	e,(hl)
	inc	hl
	ld	d,(hl)
	ex	de,hl
	call	exec
	pop	hl
	ld	(0f3dch),hl
	pop	hl
exec:	jp	(hl)

;**** disk menu voor samples ****

disksm:	call	maksc3
	call	moverr
	ld	hl,smpadr-4
	ld	a,(smpnr)
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	add	hl,de
	ld	de,sadrbf
	ld	bc,4
	ld	a,1
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	call	menbl2
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a

main3:	ld	ix,main3d
	call	keyhan
	jr	main3

main3d:	db	30
	dw	curup8
	db	31
	dw	curdw8
	db	28
	dw	curlr8
	db	29
	dw	curlr8
	db	" "
	dw	selmn3
	db	27
	dw	enddis
	db	0

selmn3:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	ld	ix,selm3d
	jp	keyhn2

selm3d:	db	1
	dw	ldsmp
	db	2
	dw	svsmp
	db	3
	dw	shwsmp
	db	4
	dw	delsmp
	db	5
	dw	lddrum
	db	6
	dw	svdrum
	db	7
	dw	shwdrm
	db	8
	dw	deldrm
	db	10
	dw	format
	db	11
	dw	enddis
	db	0

;**** load sample ****

ldsmp:	call	shwsmp
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nospld
	ld	hl,ldtxt5
	call	print
	call	curwlk

lodsmp:	call	namsmp
	call	lodvb2

	ld	hl,(sadrbf)
	ld	(dstadr),hl
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	xor	a
	rr	h
	rr	l
	xor	a
	rr	h
	rr	l	;deel lengte door 4
	ld	(lengte),hl

	push	hl

	xor	a
	ld	hl,(sadrbf+2)
	inc	hl
	ld	de,(sadrbf)
	sbc	hl,de
	pop	de
	push	de
	rst	020h
	jp	c,nofit	;sample te groot!

lodsm2:	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print
	pop	bc

	push	bc
	pop	hl
	ld	de,01000h
	rst	020h
	call	nc,lodsm4
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,lodsmx

	push	bc
	call	lodprt	;lees sample
	pop	bc
	call	m2vsmp	;zet sample in audio

lodsmx:	ld	de,(lengte)
	ld	hl,(sadrbf)
	add	hl,de
	dec	hl
	ld	de,01fffh
	rst	020h
	call	nc,lodsm5
	ld	(sadrbf+2),hl
	ld	hl,smpadr-4
	ld	a,(smpnr)
	add	a,a
	add	a,a
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	add	hl,de
	ex	de,hl
	ld	hl,sadrbf
	ld	bc,4
lodsm3:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	stpdrv
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	jp	ldend
lodsm5:	ld	hl,01fffh

lodsm4:	push	bc
	ld	bc,01000h
	push	bc
	call	lodprt	;lees sample
	pop	bc
	call	m2vsmp	;zet sample in audio
	pop	hl
	ld	bc,-01000h
	add	hl,bc
	ld	b,h
	ld	c,l
	ld	hl,(dstadr)
	ld	de,01000h
	add	hl,de
	ld	(dstadr),hl

;lees stukje sample

lodprt:	push	bc
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos	;dma adres = 8000

	pop	hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,read
	jp	bdos	;lees stukje file

nofit:	ld	hl,nfittx	;sample past niet
	call	print
nofitl:	call	getkey
	res	5,a
	cp	"Y"
	jr	z,nofit1
	cp	"N"
	jr	z,nofit2
	jr	nofitl

nofit1:	call	clrlin
	jp	lodsm2
nofit2:	pop	af	;gepushte lengte
	call	clrlin
	jp	lodsm3

	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nspltx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

; **** save sample ****

svsmp:	call	shwsmp
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entna7
	ld	hl,svtxt5
	call	print
	ld	hl,savsmp
	ld	(relsav),hl
	call	curwk2
entna7:	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	jp	nz,ldend
	ld	a,b
	call	entnam
	ld	hl,nnbuf	;entna2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	call	clrlin
	call	namsp3
	jr	savsp2

savsmp:	call	wiscl3
	call	namsmp
savsp2:	;push  af
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	savvb5
	ld	hl,patstx
	call	print
	ld	hl,(sadrbf)
	ld	(dstadr),hl
	xor	a
	ld	hl,(sadrbf+2)
	inc	hl
	ld	de,(sadrbf)
	sbc	hl,de
	push	hl
	pop	bc
	ld	de,01000h
	rst	020h
	call	nc,savsp4

	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,savspx

	push	bc
	call	g2tsmp
	pop	bc
	call	savprt

savspx:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	shwsmp
	call	stpdrv
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	;pop	 af
	jp	ldend

savsp4:	push	bc
	ld	bc,01000h
	push	bc
	call	g2tsmp	;haal sample uit audio
	pop	bc
	call	savprt	;schrijf sample
	pop	hl
	ld	bc,-01000h
	add	hl,bc
	ld	b,h
	ld	c,l
	ld	hl,(dstadr)
	ld	de,01000h
	add	hl,de
	ld	(dstadr),hl

;schrijf stukje sample

savprt:	push	bc
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos	;dma adres = 8000
	pop	hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,write
	jp	bdos	;schrijf stukje file

;**** delete sample ****

delsmp:	call	shwsmp
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nospdl
	ld	hl,deltx3
	call	print
	call	curwlk

	call	namsmp
	call	delsn4
	cp	"Y"
	jp	nz,ldend
	call	shwsmp
	jp	ldend

nospdl:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nspdtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

;**** disk menu voor voices ****

diskvc:	ld	a,(vcenr)
	ld	(ownnr),a
	call	maksc2
	call	moverr
	ld	a,1
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	call	menblk
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a

main2:	ld	ix,main2d
	call	keyhan
	jr	main2

main2d:	db	30
	dw	curup8
	db	31
	dw	curdw8
	db	28
	dw	curlr8
	db	29
	dw	curlr8
	db	" "
	dw	selmn2
	db	27
	dw	enddis
	db	0

selmn2:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	ld	ix,selm2d
	jp	keyhn2

selm2d:	db	1
	dw	ldvce
	db	2
	dw	svvce
	db	3
	dw	shwvce
	db	4
	dw	delvce
	db	5
	dw	ldvcb
	db	6
	dw	svvcb
	db	7
	dw	shwvcb
	db	8
	dw	delvcb
	db	10
	dw	format
	db	11
	dw	enddis
	db	0

;**** load voice ****

ldvce:	call	shwvce
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,noveld
	ld	hl,ldtxt3
	call	print
	call	curwlk

lodvce:	call	namvce
	call	lodvb2
	ld	hl,9
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,ownvdt-25+16
	ld	de,25
	ld	a,(ownnr)
	ld	b,a
lodve3:	add	hl,de
	djnz	lodve3
	ex	de,hl
	jp	lodvb3

	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,neldtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

; **** save voice ****

svvce:	call	shwvce
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entna6
	ld	hl,svtxt3
	call	print
	ld	hl,savvce
	ld	(relsav),hl
	call	curwk2
entna6:	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	jp	nz,ldend
	ld	a,b
	call	entnam
	ld	hl,nnbuf		   ;entna2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	call	clrlin
	call	namve3
	call	savve2
	call	shwvce
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savvce:	call	namvce
	call	savve2
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savve2:	ld	hl,9
	ld	(lengte),hl
	call	savvb5
	ld	hl,ownvdt-25+16
	ld	de,25
	ld	a,(ownnr)
	ld	b,a
savve3:	add	hl,de
	djnz	savve3
	ex	de,hl
	jp	savvb6

;**** delete voice ****

delvce:	call	shwvce
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,novedl
	ld	hl,deltx3
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	call	namvce
	call	delsn4
	cp	"Y"
	jp	nz,ldend
	call	shwvce
	jp	ldend

novedl:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nedltx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

;**** load voicebank ****

ldvcb:	call shwvcb
	ld   a,(filcnt)
	or   a
	jp   z,novbld
	ld   hl,ldtxt4
	call print
	call curwlk

lodvcb:	call	namvcb
	call	lodvb2
	ld	hl,144
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	de,ownvdt
lodvb3:	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

lodvb2:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod3
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnfer2
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print
	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	hl,(0da00h+bleng-fcbsav)	   ;bestandslengte
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

novbld:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nbldtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

; **** save voicebank ****

svvcb:	call	shwvcb
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entna5
	ld	hl,svtxt4
	call	print
	ld	hl,savvcb
	ld	(relsav),hl
	call	curwk2

entna5:	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	jp	nz,ldend
	ld	a,b
	call	entnam
	ld	hl,nnbuf		   ;entna2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	call	clrlin
	call	namvb3
	call	savvb2
	call	shwvcb
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savvcb:	call	namvcb
	call	savvb2
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savvb2:	ld	hl,9*16
	ld	(lengte),hl
	call	savvb5
	ld	de,ownvdt
savvb6:	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos		 ;schrijf file
	or	a
	jp	nz,fwrer2		   ;write error
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	jp	bdos		   ;sluit file

savvb5:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,create
	call	bdos		;maak de file
	jp	c,abcod4
	or	a
	jp	nz,fcrer2		   ;file creation error
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patstx
	call	print
	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0

;**** delete voicebank ****

delvcb:	call	shwvcb
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,novbdl
	ld	hl,deltx4
	call	print
	call	curwlk

	call	namvcb
	call	delsn4
	cp	"Y"
	jp	nz,ldend
	call	shwvcb
	jp	ldend

novbdl:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nbdltx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

;**** disk menu voor songs/samplekits ****

disksn:	call	makscr
	call	moverr

	ld	a,1
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	call	menblk
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a

;**** hoofmenu ****

main:	ld	ix,maind
	call	keyhan
	jr	main

maind:	db	30
	dw	curup
	db	31
	dw	curdow
	db	28
	dw	curlr
	db	29
	dw	curlr
	db	" "
	dw	selmen
	db	27
	dw	enddis
	db	0

curup:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	dec	a
	ret	z
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	jp	menblk

curup8:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	dec	a
	ret	z
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	jp	menbl2

curdow:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	cp	14
	ret	z
	inc	a
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	jp	menblk

curdw8:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	cp	11
	ret	z
	inc	a
	ld	(blkdt2),a
	jp	menbl2

curlr:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	sub	9	;9
	jp	z,swdrv
	dec	a	;10
	ret	nz
	ld	a,(packin)
	xor	1
	ld	(packin),a
	jp	prtpak

curlr8:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	sub	9	;9
	ret	nz
swdrv:	ld	a,(0fb21h)
	cp	1
	ret	z
	ld	a,(drive)
	xor	1
	ld	(drive),a
	push	af
	call	prtdrv
	pop	af
	ld	e,a
	ld	c,seldsk
	call	bdos
	jp	shwdr4

selmen:	ld	a,(blkdt2)
	ld	ix,selm1d
	jp	keyhn2

selm1d:	db	1
	dw	ldsong
	db	2
	dw	svsong
	db	3
	dw	shwsng
	db	4
	dw	delsng
	db	5
	dw	lddrum
	db	6
	dw	svdrum
	db	7
	dw	shwdrm
	db	8
	dw	deldrm
	db	11
	dw	format
	db	12
	dw	fstlod
	db	13
	dw	fsdlod
	db	14
	dw	enddis
	db	0

;**** load song ****

ldsong:	call	shwsng
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nofld
	ld	hl,ldtxt
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	jp	lodsng

nofld:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nfldtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

lodsng:	call	namsng
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod2
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnferr
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print

	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	hl,(0da00h+bleng-fcbsav)	   ;bestandslengte
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

	xor	a
	ld	(packi2),a

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,1
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	dec	hl
	ld	(lengte),hl

	ld	de,08001h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8001

	ld	a,(08000h)
	cp	255
	jr	nz,lodsnx
	ld	(packi2),a

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

lodsnx:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	stpdrv
	ld	a,1
	ld	(loaded),a
	call	mecrc
	call	chkown
	jp	ldend

; **** save song ****

svsong:	ld	hl,(usrdat)
	ld	de,(us2dat)
	ld	a,h
	xor	22
	ld	h,a
	rst	020h
	jr	z,svcont
;	 di
;	 halt
svcont:	call	shwsng
	ld	a,255
	ld	(val255),a
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entna3
	ld	hl,svtxt
	call	print
	ld	hl,savsng
	ld	(relsav),hl
	call	curwk2

entna3:	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	jp	nz,ldend
	ld	a,b
	call	entnam
	ld	hl,nnbuf	;entna2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	call	clrlin
	call	namsn3
	call	savsn2
	call	shwsng
	jp	ldend

savsng:	call	namsng
	call	savsn2
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savsn2:	ld	hl,smknam
	ld	de,xsmpkt
	ld	bc,8
	call	crunch
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
savsn5:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,create
	call	bdos	;maak de file
	jp	c,abcod3
	or	a
	jp	nz,fcrerr	;file creation error

	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patstx
	call	print

	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	a,(packin)
	or	a
	jr	z,savsnx

	ld	de,val255
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,1
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos		 ;schrijf file

savsnx:	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,(lengte)
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos		 ;schrijf file
	or	a
	jp	nz,fwrerr		   ;file write error

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a

fcrer2:	pop	hl
fcrerr:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,fcetxt
	call	print
	call	getkey
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	jp	ldend

fwrer2:	pop	hl
fwrerr:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,fwrtxt
	call	print
	ld	de,0da00h		   ;sluit file weer
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	getkey
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	jp	ldend

; **** enter new name (save song) ****

entnam:	push	af
	call	clrlin
	call	wiscl3
	ld	hl,nsntxt
	call	print
	ld	hl,0800h+22*10+2
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,blkdt4+6
	ld	b,2
	ld	hl,01717h
	ld	(0f3dch),hl
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entnm2
	pop	af

	ld	hl,nnbuf
	ld	de,nnbuf+1
	ld	bc,7
	ld	(hl)," "
	call	0a2h
	ld	hl,nnbuf
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,2
	ld	(nnbuf2),a

nnlus:	call	getkey
	cp	8
	jp	z,bsnn
	cp	0dh
	jp	z,retnn
	cp	27
	jp	z,escnn
	cp	"0"
	jr	c,nnlus
	cp	"?"
	jr	z,nnlus
	cp	"z"+1
	jr	nc,nnlus
	ld	(hl),a
	call	0a2h
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(nnbuf2)
	inc	a
	ld	(nnbuf2),a
	cp	9
	jp	z,entnm3
	jp	nnlus

entnm3:	call	getkey
	cp	8
	jp	z,bsnn
	cp	0dh
	jr	nz,entnm3
	jp	retnn

entnm2:	pop	af
	ld	hl,nnbuf
	ld	de,nnbuf+1
	ld	bc,7
	ld	(hl)," "
	ld	hl,nnbuf
	ld	a,1
	ld	(nnbuf2),a
	jp	nnlus

bsnn:	ld	a,(nnbuf2)
	cp	1
	jp	z,nnlus
	dec	a
	ld	(nnbuf2),a
	dec	hl
	ld	(hl)," "
	push	hl
	ld	hl,0f3ddh
	dec	(hl)
	ld	a," "
	call	0a2h
	dec	(hl)
	pop	hl
	jp	nnlus

retnn:	ld	a,(nnbuf2)
	cp	1
	jp	z,nnlus

escnn:	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	pop	hl
	jp	clrlin

ldend2:	pop	af
ldend:	call	wiscl3
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	jp	clrlin

fnfer2:	pop	af
fnferr:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,fnftxt	;file not found!
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jr	ldend

;**** delete song ****

delsng:	call	shwsng
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nofldl
	ld	hl,deltxt
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	call	namsng
	call	delsn4
	cp	"Y"
	jp	nz,ldend
	call	shwsng
	jp	ldend

nofldl:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nfdltx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

delsn4:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,sfdltx
	call	print
	ld	hl,22*80+34
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,fcbsav+1
	ld	b,8
	ld	a,"?"
	out	(c),a
dels4l:	call	getkey
	res	5,a
	cp	"N"
	jp	z,ldend2
	cp	"Y"
	jr	nz,dels4l
	push	af
	call	wiscl3
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,delete
	call	bdos
	jp	c,abcod4
	pop	af

;**** load samplekit ****

lddrum:	call	shwdrm
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nodld
	ld	hl,ldtxt2
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	jp	loddrm

nodld:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,ndldtx
pandw:	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

loddrm:	call	namdrm
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	call	loddr2
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

loddr2:	ld	hl,fcbsav+1
	ld	de,smknam
	ld	bc,8
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod3
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnferr

	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print

	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	hl,(0da00h+bleng-fcbsav)	   ;bestandslengte
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	de,smpadr
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos
	ld	hl,56
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file
	call	movsmp

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file
	call	movsmp

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	jp	bdos

; **** save samplekit ****

svdrum:	call	shwdrm
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,entna4
	ld	hl,svtxt2
	call	print
	ld	hl,savdrm
	ld	(relsav),hl
	call	curwk2

entna4:	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	jp	nz,ldend
	ld	a,b
	call	entnam

	ld	hl,nnbuf		   ;entna2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
	ld	a,25
	ld	(0f3dch),a
	call	wiscl3
	call	clrlin
	call	namdr3
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	call	savdr2
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	stpdrv
	call	shwdrm
	jp	ldend

savdrm:	call	namdrm
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	call	savdr2
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	stpdrv
	jp	ldend

savdr2:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,create
	call	bdos		 ;maak de file
	jp	c,abcod3
	or	a
	jp	nz,fcrer2

	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patstx
	call	print

	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0

	ld	de,smpadr
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = smpadr

	ld	hl,56
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos
	or	a
	jp	nz,fwrer2

	call	getsmp
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos		 ;schrijf file
	or	a
	jp	nz,fwrer2

	call	getsmp
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	c,write
	call	bdos		 ;schrijf file
	or	a
	jp	nz,fwrer2

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	jp	bdos

;**** delete samplekit ****

deldrm:	call	shwdrm
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nodrdl
	ld	hl,deltx2
	call	print
	call	curwlk

	call	namdrm
	call	delsn4
	cp	"Y"
	jp	nz,ldend
	call	shwdrm
	jp	ldend

nodrdl:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nddltx
	jp	pandw

; **** format disk ****

format:	ld	hl,fortxt
	call	print
	ld	hl,22*80+52
	call	setwrt
	ld	a,(drive)
	add	a,"A"
	out	(c),a
	call	getkey
	res	5,a
	cp	"Y"
	jr	z,forma2
	jp	clrlin

forma2:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,for2tx
	call	print
forma3:	call	getkey
	cp	"1"
	jr	c,forma3
	cp	"3"
	jr	nc,forma3
	sub	"1"-1
	push	af
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,for3tx
	call	print
	ld	a,(drive)
	ld	d,a
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,(0fb22h)
	ld	(forma4),a
	ld	hl,08000h
	ld	bc,04000h
	pop	af

	rst	030h
forma4:	db	0
	dw	0401ch

	push	af
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	pop	af
	call	c,forma5
	jp	clrlin

forma5:	ld	hl,for4tx
	call	print
	jp	getkey

;---------------load soundtracker drumkit--------------

	call	shwfsd
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,nofdld
	ld	hl,ld3txt
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	jr	lodfsd

nofdld:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nfddtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

lodfsd:	call	namfsd
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod2
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnferr
	ld	a,1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	lodfd2
	call	movsmp
	ld	a,"2"
	ld	(0da00h+1+10),a		;sm2
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod2
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnferr
	call	lodfd2
	call	movsmp
	call	clrlin
	call	stpdrv
	ld	hl,smpadd	;zet 4kB sample adressen zoals FST
	ld	de,smpadr
	ld	bc,56
	jp	ldend

lodfd2:	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,7
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,16384
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	jp	bdos

;-------------------------load soundtracker song--------------------------

	call	shwfst
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	or	a
	jp	z,noffld
	ld	hl,ld2txt
	call	print
	call	curwlk
	call	rempit
	jr	lodfst

noffld:	ld	hl,(0fb41h)
	ld	de,0
	rst	020h
	ret	nz
	ld	hl,nffdtx
	call	print
	call	getkey
	jp	clrlin

lodfst:	call	namfst
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,open
	call	bdos		 ;open de file
	jp	c,abcod2
	or	a
	jp	nz,fnferr
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patltx
	call	print

	ld	hl,1
	ld	(0da00h+groot-fcbsav),hl	   ;blokgrootte = 1
	dec	hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav),hl
	ld	(0da00h+blok-fcbsav+2),hl	   ;bloknummer = 0
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,7
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file

	ld	de,08000h
	ld	c,setdma
	call	bdos		 ;dma adres = 8000

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	hl,16384
	ld	c,read
	call	bdos		 ;lees file

	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,close
	call	bdos
	call	clrlin
	call	stpdrv
	call	ldend
	ld	a,1
	ld	(loaded),a

;*************************** instrumenten musicmodule **********************

sttomb:	push	af
	push	bc
	push	hl
	push	de
	call	r800d
	call	renew
	call	moonbk
	ld	hl,08000h
	xor	a
	ld	(hl),a
	ld	de,08001h
	ld	bc,03fffh

begin:	ld	hl,omztxt
	call	print
	call	sndbk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bf00h	;instrumenten
	ld	bc,99
	call	moonbk
	ld	b,16
	ld	de,xmmvoc
tiet3:	push	bc
	ld	hl,0c400h+16	;begin voice bank
	ld	b,9
tiet4:	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	tiet4
	pop	bc
	djnz	tiet3

	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,xmmvoc
	ld	b,9
po2:	push	bc
	ld	b,8
po3:	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	po3
	inc	hl
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a
	pop	bc
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	po2
	call	mvbprt

;**************************** instrument op kanaal ***********************

inskan:	call	sndbk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bf63h	;instrumenten nummers
	ld	bc,9
	call	moonbk
	ld	a,176
	ld	(owndat),a
	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,xmmsti
	ld	b,9
lus4:	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld	a,b
	ld	(kanaal),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	151
	jr	nc,ownins
	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,insdat-1
lus3:	inc	hl
	djnz	lus3
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	255
	jr	z,ownins
	cp	18
	jp	c,bassup
ownret:	ld	(de),a
	pop	bc
	pop	hl
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	lus4
	ld	b,7
	ld	a,1
loop1:	ld	(de),a	;rest volmaken
	inc	de
	djnz	loop1
	ld	hl,xbegvm	;start instrumenten
	ld	b,9
	xor	a
lus1:	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	lus1
	call	mvbprt
	jp	verder

ownins:	ld	a,(kanaal)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,9
	sub	b
	push	de
	ld	hl,xmmvoc
	ld	c,9
	call	berhl
	ex	de,hl
	ld	a,(owndat)
	inc	a
	ld	(owndat),a
	ld	b,176
	sub	b
	ld	hl,ownvdt+16	;own voice in voice bank zetten
	ld	c,25
	call	berhl
	ex	de,hl
	ld	bc,9
	pop	de
	ld	a,(owndat)
	jp	ownret

bassup:	push	af
	ld	a,(kanaal)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,9
	sub	b
	ld	hl,xmmvoc
	ld	c,9
	call	berhl
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
	pop	af
	jp	ownret

berhl:	or	a
	ret	z
	ld	b,a
berhl2:	push	bc
	ld	b,0
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	djnz	berhl2

insdat:	db	92,93,94,95,101,255,255,255,97,103,104,255,22,23,105
	db	98,99,79,81,82,83,88,89,90,91,80,78,85,86,255
	db	134,140,141,255,255,255,137,136,135,10,11,6,7,8,13
	db	14,5,1,2,9,3,255,255,18,19,255,58,59,60,158
	db	159,27,43,44,45,48,51,52,255,56,255,57,50,255,148
	db	255,255,125,126,255,255,119,120,121,255,123,124,68,63,64
	db	65,66,107,108,108,110,111,117,118,113,114,163,33,255,32
	db	255,36,37,100,145,146,42,49,46,47,76,62,29,30,25
	db	61,255,255,168,169,170,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,167,255
	db	171,149,154,162,165,166,161,255,129,128,147,175,176,255,255

owndat:	db	175

;****************************** original pac ************************

verder:	call	sndbk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bf6ch	;original pac
	ld	bc,8
	call	moonbk
	ld	b,6
	ld	de,xorgp1
loop2:	push	bc
	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	bc,8
	pop	bc
	djnz	loop2
	call	mvbprt

;************************* instrumentnummers pac **********************

	call	sndbk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bf74h
	ld	bc,6
	call	moonbk
	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,xpasti
	ld	b,6
tiet1:	push	bc
	ld	a,(hl)
	and	0f0h	;voice nummer
	jp	z,origi	;original
	ld   (de),a
retori:	inc  de
	ld   a,(hl)
	and  00fh	;volume
	ld   (de),a
	inc  hl
	inc  de
	pop  bc
	djnz tiet1

	ld   b,10	;rest invullen
loop5:	ld   a,1
	ld   (de),a
	xor  a
	inc  de
	ld   (de),a
	inc  de
	djnz loop5
	xor  a
	ld   b,6	;begin instrumenten
	ld   de,xbegvp
loop6:	inc  a
	ld   (de),a
	inc  de
	djnz loop6
	ld   a,1
	ld   (de),a
	inc  de
	ld   (de),a
	inc  de
	ld   (de),a
	call mvbprt
	jp   stfrq

origi:	ld   a,16
	ld   (de),a
	push hl
	push de
	call sndbk
	ld   a,(0bf8dh)
	ld   c,a
	ld   a,(0bf8ch)
	push af
	call moonbk
	pop  af
	cp   2
	jr   c,own1
	ld   a,c
	cp   151
	jr   nc,own1
	ld   b,a
	ld   hl,insdat-1
tiet2:	inc  hl
	djnz tiet2
	ld   a,(hl)
	cp   255
	jr   z,own1
	cp   18
	jr   c,basup2
endori:	ld   (xorgnr),a
	pop  de
	pop  hl
	jp   retori

own1:	ld   a,(owndat)
	inc  a
	ld   b,176
	sub  b
	ld   hl,ownvdt-25+16
	ld   c,25
	call berhl
	ld   de,xorgp1
	ld   b,3
eerst3:	ld   a,(de)
	ld   (hl),a
	inc  hl
	inc  de
	djnz eerst3
	ld   a,(de)
	and  000000111b
	ld   c,a
	ld   a,(de)
	and  011000000b
	ld   (hl),a
	inc  hl
	inc  de
	ld   b,4
tweede:	ld   a,(de)
	ld   (hl),a
	inc  hl
	inc  de
	djnz tweede
	ld   a,c
	rlc  a
	ld   (hl),a
	ld   a,(owndat)
	inc  a
	jr   endori

basup2:	push	af
	ld	hl,xorgp1
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
	pop	af
	jp	endori

;********** zet drum frequenties en volumes *********

stfrq:	ld   hl,drvol
	ld   de,xdrvol
	ld   bc,3+18
	jp   naam

drvol:	db 001h,031h,033h
drfrq:	db 020h,005h,050h,005h,0c0h,001h
	db 020h,050h,035h,005h,0c0h,001h
	db 020h,005h,050h,005h,0c0h,001h

;******************** naam ************************

naam:	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(0bf8ch)
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bfa6h
	ld	bc,40
	push	af
	call	moonbk
	pop	af
	ld	bc,40
	cp	3
	ld	a,19
	jr	c,naam2
	ld	bc,35
	ld	a,24
naam2:	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,xnaam
	ld	b,a
	ld	a," "
loop7:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	loop7
	xor	a
	ld	(hl),a
	call	mvbprt

drnaam:	call	sndbk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	hl,0bf84h
	ld	bc,8
	call	moonbk
	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,xsmpkt
	ld	bc,8

;************************* tempo **************************

	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(0bf82h)
	push	af
	call	moonbk
	pop	af
;	 dec	a	 ;i.v.m.  maximum speed 24=mb  25=st
	ld	(xtempo),a
	call	mvbprt

;************************ aantal tracks *********************

	ld	hl,xpos
	ld	b,xleng-xpos
	ld	a,1
loop9:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	loop9
	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(0bff8h)
	push	af
	call	moonbk
	pop	af
	inc	a
	ld	(xleng),a
	ld	(maxpat),a
	call	mvbprt

;***************** fm drum instellingen ********************

	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(0bf8ch)	;versie nummer
	ld	c,a
	call	moonbk
	ld	a,c
	ld	hl,drblk1
	cp	2
	jr	c,setdrm
	ld	hl,drblk2
setdrm:	ld	de,xdrblk
	ld	bc,15
	jp	sustan

drblk1:	db	010h,8,0,4,2,1,018h,014h,012h,011h,00ch,00ah,9,6,5
drblk2:	db	010h,8,1,4,1,3,018h,014h,012h,011h,00ch,00eh,00dh,5,00bh

;***************** sustain ,reverberation and xloop *****************

sustan:	xor	a
	or	000100000b
	ld	hl,xsust
	ld	(hl),a
	xor	a
	ld	hl,xrever
	ld	b,9
loopa:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	loopa
	ld	hl,xloop
	ld	a,0ffh
	ld	(hl),a
	call	mvbprt

;****************** stereo instellingen + org. nummer *********************

	ld	a,3
	ld	hl,xstpr
	ld	b,10
loopb:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	loopb
	dec	a
	ld	(xchip),a
	dec	a
	ld	hl,xstpr+6
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	(hl),a
	ld	hl,xorgnr
	ld	b,6
loopc:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0
	jr	nz,alvol
	ld	a,1
	ld	(hl),a
alvol:	inc	hl
	djnz	loopc
	call	mvbprt

;****************** check soundtracker 1 ,2 of pro ****************

	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(0bf8ch)
	cp	2
	jr	z,drum2	;FST2 drum verwijderen van vol.
	cp	3
	jp	z,pro	;FST pro overbodige data verwijderen
	ld	hl,08000h
l2:	ld	b,9
l1:	ld	a,(hl)
	and	0c0h
	cp	040h
	jr	nz,nooff
	ld	(hl),040h
nooff:	inc	hl
	djnz	l1
	inc	hl
	inc	hl
	inc	hl
	ld	a,h
	cp	0bfh
	jr	nz,l2
	ld	hl,0800bh
	ld	de,0000ch
l3:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0
	jr	z,nodrm	;geen drum aanwezig
	and	00fh
	ld	b,a	;musmod drum
	sla	a
	sla	a
	sla	a
	sla	a
	ld	c,a	;fmpac drum
	push	hl
	dec	hl
	dec	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	and	a
	pop	hl
	ld	a,c
	jr	z,nofreq	;geen frequentie -> geen musmod drum
	or	b
	ld	(hl),a
	jr	nodrm1

nofreq:	ld	(hl),a
	push	hl
	xor	a
	dec	hl
	ld	(hl),a
	dec	hl
	ld	(hl),a
	pop	hl
	jr	nodrm1

nodrm:	dec	hl
	xor	a
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
nodrm1:	add	hl,de
	ld	a,h
	cp	0bfh
	jr	nz,l3
	call	mvbprt

drum2:	ld	hl,0800bh
	ld	de,0000ch
drm3:	push	hl
	ld	a,(hl)	;drumnummer
	and	00fh
	jr	nz,chkvol	;musmod drum <> 0
	dec	hl
	ld	(hl),0	;volume = 0

nodrum:	pop	hl
	add	hl,de
	ld	a,h
	cp	0bfh
	jr	nz,drm3
	call	mvbprt
	jr	chkdub

chkvol:	dec	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	jp	nz,nofrq
chkvo2:	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	and	0f0h
	ld	(hl),a
	jp	nodrum

nofrq:	dec	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	jr	nz,nodrum
	inc	hl
	ld	(hl),0
	jp	chkvo2

;* file beveiliging sountracker pro files *

pro:	ld	hl,08000h
	ld	de,03f00h
chtr2:	ld	a,(hl)
	xor	l
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	dec	de
	ld	a,d
	or	e
	jr	nz,chtr2
	jp	drum2

;****************** overzetten muziekstuk ****************************

lvol:	defb	0
lfreq:	defb	0
smpo:	defb	0

chkdub:	ld	hl,0
	ld	(lvol),hl
	xor	a
	ld	(smpo),a
	ld	hl,08009h
	ld	de,0000ch
nxtdub:	push	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	jr	z,chknxt
	ld	b,a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	ld	c,a
	jr	z,smpoff
	xor	a
	ld	(smpo),a
nxt3:	ld	a,c
	or	a
	jr	z,nxt2
	ld	a,(lfreq)
	cp	c
	jr	nz,setfrq
	ld	(hl),0
nxt2:	dec	hl
	ld	a,c
	cp	1
	jr	z,setnul
	ld	a,(lvol)
	cp	b
	jp	nz,setvol
setnul:	ld	(hl),0
	jp	chknxt

setvol:	ld	a,b
	ld	(lvol),a
	jp	chknxt

setfrq:	ld	a,c
	ld	(lfreq),a
	jp	nxt2

smpoff:	ld	c,1
	ld	a,(smpo)
	or	a
	jr	nz,nxt3
	ld	a,1
	ld	(hl),a
	ld	(lfreq),a
	ld	(smpo),a
	dec	hl
	xor	a
	ld	(hl),a

chknxt:	pop	hl
	add	hl,de
	ld	a,h
	cp	0bfh
	jr	nz,nxtdub
	call	mvbprt

;****  kijken of sample 15 in gebruik is *******
;**  zo ja!  dan wordt smp15 gezet **

chksmp:	xor	a
	ld	(smp15),a
	ld	hl,0800bh
	ld	de,0000ch
smpnxt:	ld	a,(hl)
	and	000001111b	;afzonderen music module drum
	cp	15
	jr	z,set15
nxtsmp:	add	hl,de
	ld	a,h
	cp	0bfh
	jr	nz,smpnxt
	call	mvbprt
	jp	chkdu2

set15:	ld	a,(hl)
	and	011110000b	;red fm-pac drum
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,1
	ld	(smp15),a
	ld	a,14
	or	b
	ld	(hl),a
	jp	nxtsmp

chkdu2:	call	moonbk
	ld	hl,dubdat
	ld	b,84
	xor	a
clear:	ld	(hl),a
	djnz	clear
	call	sndbk
	ld	a,1
	ld	(patnr),a
	ld	(track1),a
check:	inc	a
	ld	(trcknr),a
	dec	a
	call	setpat	;set pattern number
nxttrk:	ld	a,(track1)
	call	shtrk	;set begingeheugenplaats van track nr
	ld	d,h
	ld	e,l
	ld	a,(maxpat)
	inc	a
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(trcknr)
	cp	b
	jp	nc,nxtpat
	call	shtrk	;             ' '        
	ld	b,192
ls2:	push	bc
	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(de)
	cp	b
	jr	nz,notsme	;verschillende tracks
	pop	bc
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	ls2
	ld	a,(trcknr)
	call	setpat	;patterns gelijk
	jr	notsm1

notsme:	pop	bc
notsm1:	ld	a,(trcknr)
	inc	a
	ld	(trcknr),a
	jp	nxttrk

shtrk:	ld	hl,08000h-192
	ld	b,a
ls1:	push	bc
	ld	bc,192
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	djnz	ls1

nxtpat:	ld	a,(patnr)
	inc	a
	ld	(patnr),a

verhog:	ld	a,(maxpat)
	inc	a
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(track1)
	cp	b
	jp	nc,endchk
	inc	a
	ld	(track1),a
	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	ld	hl,dubdat-1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0	;is track data nog leeg
	jr	nz,verhog
	call	mvbprt
	ld	a,(track1)
	jp	check

setpat:	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(patnr)
	ld	hl,dubdat-1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	(hl),a

endchk:	call	moonbk
	ld	a,(maxpat)
	ld	(xleng),a
	ld	a,(patnr)
	dec	a
	cp	78
	jr	c,past
	ld	a,77
past:	ld	(aanpat),a
	call	mvbprt

fac2:	call	moonbk
	ld	a,1
	ld	(patnr),a
	ld	(trcknr),a
	ld	hl,xbegmd
	ld	(blstda),hl
loopd:	call	copy
	ld	hl,tmpstr
	ld	de,(blstda)
	ld	b,9
loope:	push	bc
	push	hl
	ld	a,b
	ld	(kanaal),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0
	jp	z,nodat
	cp	040h
	jp	c,musdat	;music data
	jp	z,offev	;off event
	cp	041h
	jp	z,revup	;reverberation up
	cp	042h
	jp	z,revdwn	;reverberation down
	cp	04dh
	jp	c,pitup	;pitchbend up
	cp	057h
	jp	c,pitdwn	;pitchbend down
	cp	071h
	jp	c,tempo	;tempo change
	cp	0c0h
	jp	c,volum	;volume change
	cp	0c1h
	jp	nc,bright	;brightness setting
nodat:	xor	a
nodata:	ld	(de),a
	pop	hl
	pop	bc
	inc	de
	inc	hl
	djnz	loope
	ld	a,(hl)
	ld	(de),a	;frequentie
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	1
	jr	z,nodel	;i.v.m. sample off
	srl	a	;delen door 2
nodel:	ld	(de),a	;volume
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	ld	a,(hl)
	rrc	a
	rrc	a
	rrc	a
	rrc	a	;wissel drums
	ld	(de),a
nofm:	inc	de	;cmd kanaal
	ld	a,(cmd)
	ld	(de),a
	xor	a
	ld	(cmd),a
	inc	de
	inc	hl
	or	a
	push	hl
	push	de
	ld	de,tmpstr
	sbc	hl,de
	pop	de
	ld	a,l
	pop	hl
	cp	192
	jr	nc,endtmp
	ld	b,9
	jp	loope

endtmp:	ld	hl,(blstda)
	ld	bc,16*13
	add	hl,bc
	ld	(blstda),hl
	ld	a,(patnr)
	inc	a
	ld	(patnr),a
	ld	hl,aanpat
	cp	(hl)
	jp	nc,stop
	jp	loopd

copy:	ld	a,(trcknr)
	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	ld	hl,dubdat-1
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,(patnr)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	b
	jr	nc,copy1	;track nog niet gecopieerd
	ld	a,(trcknr)
	inc	a
	ld	(trcknr),a
	jr	copy

copy1:	di
	call	sndbk
	ld	a,(trcknr)
	call	shtrk
	ld	de,tmpstr
	ld	bc,192
	call	moonbk
	call	mvbprt

musdat:	push	af
	call	getin3
	cp	18
	jr	c,musda2
	pop	af
	add	a,24
	jp	nodata

musda2:	pop	af
	add	a,12
	jp	nodata

getin3:	ld	a,(kanaal)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,9
	sub	b
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
	ld	hl,xmmsti
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,(hl)

offev:	ld	a,061h
	jp	nodata

revup:	ld	hl,rever
	ld	a,9
	sub	b
revu1:	cp	0
	jr	z,revu2
	dec	a
	inc	hl
	jr	revu1
revu2:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0ech
	jr	z,nohigh
	inc	a
	ld	(hl),a
nohigh:	jp	chgrev

revdwn:	ld	hl,rever
	ld	a,9
	sub	b
revd1:	cp	0
	jr	z,revd2
	dec	a
	inc	hl
	jr	revd1
revd2:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	0dah
	jr	z,nolow
	dec	a
	ld	(hl),a
chgrev:	ld	b,0dah
	sub	b
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
	ld	hl,revdat
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,(hl)
nolow:	jp	nodata

;		t-9  t-8  t-7  t-6  t-5  t-4  t-3  t-2  t-1  t+0
revdat:	db	0e0h,0e0h,0e0h,0e0h,0e0h,0e1h,0e1h,0e2h,0e2h,0e3h
	db	0e4h,0e4h,0e5h,0e5h,0e6h,0e6h,0e6h,0e6h,0e6h
;		t+1  t+2  t+3  t+4  t+5  t+6  t+7  t+8  t+9

pitup:	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(pitbyt)
	or	a
	jp	nz,nodat
	ld	a,c
	ld	b,043h
	sub	b
	add	a,0d0h
	cp	0dah
	jr	c,goed1
	ld	a,0d9h
goed1:	jp	chgpit

pitdwn:	ld	c,a
	ld	a,(pitbyt)
	or	a
	jp	nz,nodat
	ld	a,c
	ld	b,04ch
	sub	b
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,0d1h
pitd1:	dec	a
	djnz	pitd1
	cp	0c7h
	jr	nc,chgpit
	ld	a,0c7h
chgpit:	ld	b,0c7h
	sub	b
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
	ld	hl,pittab
	add	hl,bc
	ld	a,(hl)
goed2:	jp	nodata

;		p-9  p-8  p-7  p-6  p-5  p-4  p-3  p-2  p-1  p+0
pittab:	db	0cbh,0cch,0cch,0cdh,0cdh,0ceh,0ceh,0cfh,0cfh,0d0h
	db	0d1h,0d1h,0d2h,0d2h,0d3h,0d3h,0d4h,0d4h,0d5h
;		p+1  p+2  p+3  p+4  p+5  p+6  p+7  p+8  p+9

tempo:	ld	b,059h
	sub	b
	cp	24
	jr	c,settmp
	ld	a,23
settmp:	ld	(cmd),a
	jp	nodat

volum:	ld	b,07fh
	sub	b
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,0b1h
vol1:	dec	a
	djnz	vol1
	cp	072h
	jr	nc,goed3
	ld	a,072h
goed3:	jp	nodata

bright:	jp	nodat

mvbprt:	push	hl
	push	bc
	ld	hl,22*80+25
	call	setwrt
	ld	a,(mvbbyt)
	or	a
	jr	z,mvbstr
	xor	a
	ld	(mvbbyt),a
	ld	a," "
	out	(c),a
	jr	mvbend
mvbstr	inc	a
	ld	(mvbbyt),a
	ld	a,"*"
	out	(c),a
mvbend:	pop	bc
	pop	hl

moonbk:	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a

sndbk:	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

stop:	ld	a,(aanpat)
	ld	b,a
	ld	c,0
	ld	hl,dubdat
stop2:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	b
	jr	nc,stop1
	ld	a,c
	ld	(patnr),a
	inc	hl
	inc	c
	ld	a,c
	cp	84
	jr	z,stop1
	jp	stop2

stop1:	ld	a,(patnr)
	ld	(xleng),a
	inc	a
genoeg:	ld	de,xpos
	ld	hl,dubdat
	ld	c,a
	ld	b,0
klaar:	call	clrlin
	call	zetsam
	call	z80
	pop	de
	pop	hl
	pop	bc
	pop	af

renew:	xor	a
	ld	hl,blstda
	ld	b,100
lo7:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	lo7
	ld	hl,rever
	ld	b,9
	ld	a,0e3h
lo8:	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	lo8

zetsam:	ld	hl,smpadd
	ld	de,smpadr
	ld	bc,56
	ld	a,(smp15)
	or	a
	ret	z
	xor	a
	ld	hl,smpadr+52
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	ld	(hl),a

rempit:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,remtxt
	call	print
rempi3:	ld	hl,0800h+22*10+3
	call	setwrt
	ld	a,(pitbyt)
	or	a
	jr	z,piton
	ld	a,(yesblk)
	out	(c),a
	jp	rempi2
piton:	ld	a,(noblk)
	out	(c),a

rempi2:	call	getkey
	ld	c,0
	cp	28
	jr	z,rempi4
	inc	c
	cp	29
	jr	z,rempi4
	cp	" "
	jr	nz,rempi2
	ld	hl,0800h+22*10+3
	call	setwrt
	ld	a,(clrblk)
	out	(c),a
	call	clrlin

rempi4:	ld	a,c
	ld	(pitbyt),a
	jp	rempi3

blstda:	defb	0,0
trckda:	defb	0,0
blstad:	defb	0,0
trckad:	defb	0,0
aanpat:	defb	0
maxpat:	defb	0
cmd:	defb	0
track1:	defb	0
trcknr:	defb	0
patnr:	defb	0

dubdat:	defb	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	defb	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
	defb	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

rever:	defb	0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h,0e3h

smp15:	defb	0
kanaal:	db	0
pitbyt:	db	0

;*** zoek juiste naam op uit vram ***

namfsd:	call	namsna
namfd3:	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,fsdext
	jp	namsnb

namfst:	call	namsna
namfs3:	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,fstext
	jp	namsnb

namsng:	call	namsna
namsn3:	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,sngext
	jp	namsnb

namdrm:	call	namsna
namdr3:	ld	hl,04000h
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,drmext
	jp	namsnb

namsmp:	call	namsna
namsp3:	ld	hl,9
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,smpext
	jp	namsnb

namvce:	call	namsna
namve3:	ld	hl,9
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,vceext
	jp	namsnb

namvcb:	call	namsna
namvb3:	ld	hl,9*16
	ld	(lengte),hl
	ld	hl,vcbext
	jp	namsnb

namsna:	ld	a,(filpnt)
	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,nambuf-8
	ld	de,8
namsn2:	add	hl,de
	djnz	namsn2
	ld	de,fcbsav+1
	ld	bc,8
namsnb:	ld	de,fcbsav+9
	ld	bc,3
	ld	hl,fcbsav
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	bc,37

filup:	push	af
	ld	a,(filpnt)
	cp	7
	jp	c,filup2
	sub	6
	ld	(filpnt),a
	ld	hl,filpy
	dec	(hl)
	call	filblk
filup2:	pop	af

filri:	push	af
	ld	a,(filpnt)
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	cp	b
	jp	z,filri2
	ld	a,(filpx)
	cp	6
	jp	z,filri2
	inc	a
	ld	(filpx),a
	ld	a,b
	inc	a
	ld	(filpnt),a
	call	filblk
filri2:	pop	af

fillef:	push	af
	ld	a,(filpx)
	dec	a
	jp	z,fille2
	ld	(filpx),a
	ld	hl,filpnt
	dec	(hl)
	call	filblk
fille2:	pop	af

fildow:	push	af
	ld	a,(filcnt)
	inc	a
	ld	b,a
	ld	a,(filpnt)
	add	a,6
	cp	b
	jp	nc,fildo2
	ld	(filpnt),a
	ld	hl,filpy
	inc	(hl)
	call	filblk
fildo2:	pop	af

shwfsd:	ld	hl,fsdext
	jp	shwdir
shwfst:	ld	hl,fstext
	jp	shwdir
shwsmp:	ld	hl,smpext
	jp	shwdir
shwsng:	ld	hl,sngext
	jp	shwdir
shwdrm:	ld	hl,drmext
	jp	shwdir
shwvce:	ld	hl,vceext
	jp	shwdir
shwvcb:	ld	hl,vcbext
	jp	shwdir

enddis:	pop	af    ;stack leeg

filblk:	call	wiscl3
	ld	a,(filpy)
	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,0800h-1
	ld	de,10
filbl2:	add	hl,de
	djnz	filbl2
	ld	a,(filpx)
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	add	hl,de
	call	setwrt
	push	bc
	ld	a,(filpx)
	add	a,a
	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	ld	hl,blkdt4-2
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	ld	b,2

menbl2:	ld	hl,blkdt8-2
	jr	menblx
menblk:	ld	hl,blkdat-2
menblx:	push	hl
	call	wiscol
	add	a,a
	ld	b,0
	ld	c,a
	pop	hl
	add	hl,bc
	ld	e,(hl)
	inc	hl
	ld	d,(hl)
	ex	de,hl
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,blkdt3
	ld	b,3

wiscol:	push	af
	ld	hl,0800h
	call	setwrt
	ld	b,0
wiscl2:	xor	a
	out	(c),a
	djnz	wiscl2
	pop	af

wiscl3:	push	af
	ld	hl,0800h
	ld	b,23
wiscl5:	push	bc
	call	setwrt
	ld	b,7
wiscl4:	xor	a
	out	(c),a
	djnz	wiscl4
	ld	bc,10
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	djnz	wiscl5
	pop	af

shwdir:	ld	(0fb41h),sp
	push	hl
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patftx
	call	print
	pop	hl
	ld	de,fcb+9
	ld	bc,3
shwdr4:	ld	hl,fcb	 ;zet dirzoek naam
	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	bc,37

	call	clrfil
	ld	hl,nambuf
	ld	(nbdat),hl
	ld	de,nambuf+1
	ld	bc,6*19*8-1
	ld	(hl)," "
	xor	a
	ld	(filcnt),a

	ld	de,0d980h
	ld	c,setdma			      ;set dma
	call	bdos

	ld	de,0da00h			      ;search first
	ld	c,sfirst
	call	bdos
	jp	c,abcode
	jr	cont

dirlus:	ld	de,0da00h
	ld	c,snext			      ;search next
	call	bdos
cont:	or	a
	jr	nz,enddir

	ld	hl,0d981h
	ld	de,(nbdat)
	ld	bc,8
	ld	(nbdat),de
	ld	hl,filcnt
	inc	(hl)
	jr	dirlus

abcode:	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,abtxt
	call	print
	call	09fh
	jp	clrlin
abcod2:	call	abcode
	jp	ldend
abcod3:	call	abcode
	jp	ldend2
abcod4:	pop	af
	jr	abcod3

enddir:	di
	call	stpdrv
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,nambuf
	ld	(nbdat),hl
	ld	hl,83
	ld	b,19
prdir1:	push	bc
	push	hl
	call	setwrt
	ld	b,6
prdir2:	push	bc
	ld	hl,(nbdat)
	ld	b,8
	ld	a," "
	ld	a," "
	out	(c),a
	ld	(nbdat),hl
	pop	bc
	djnz	prdir2

	pop	hl
	ld	bc,80
	add	hl,bc
	pop	bc
	djnz	prdir1

makscr:	ld	hl,0		;bouw beeld op
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,blddt1
	call	decrc
	call	prtpak
maksc4:	call	prtdrv

maksc2:	ld	hl,0	;bouw beeld op voor voices
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,blddt2
	call	decrc
	ld	hl,20*80+76
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,decdat-2
	ld	a,(ownnr)
maksc5:	add	a,a
	ld	e,a
	ld	d,0
	add	hl,de
	ld	b,2
	jr	maksc4

maksc3:	ld	hl,0	;bouw beeld op voor samples
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,blddt4
	call	decrc
	ld	hl,20*80+73
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,decdat-2
	ld	a,(smpnr)
	jr	maksc5

clrlin:	ld	hl,emptxt
	jp	print

;*** kijk of own voices zijn gebruikt ***

;-- fm-pac test

	ld	b,6
	ld	hl,xorgnr
chkwl2:	push	bc
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	177
	call	nc,chkow5
	inc	hl
	pop	bc
	djnz	chkwl2
	jp	chkowm

chkow5:	push	hl
	push	af
	ld	a,7	;kopieer own voicedata
	sub	b
	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,xorgp1-8
	ld	de,8
chkow6:	add	hl,de
	djnz	chkow6
	pop	af
	sub	176
	ld	b,a	;bron-adres berekend

	push	hl
	ld	hl,ownvdt-25+16
	ld	de,25
chkow7:	add	hl,de
	djnz	chkow7
	ex	de,hl	;bestemmings-adres berekend
	pop	hl
	push	hl	;ix=hl
	pop	ix
	ld	(0c100h),de
	push	de	;iy=de
	pop	iy
	ld	bc,3
	inc	de
	inc	hl
	ld	bc,4
	ld	a,(ix+3)
	ld	b,a
	and	0111b
	sla	a
	ld	(iy+8),a
	ld	a,b
	and	011000000b
	ld	(iy+3),a
	pop	hl

;-- muziek module test

chkowm:	ld	b,16
	ld	hl,xmmsti
chkowl:	push	bc
	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	177
	call	nc,chkow2
	inc	hl
	pop	bc
	djnz	chkowl

chkow2:	push	hl
	push	af
	ld	a,17	   ;kopieer own voicedata
	sub	b
	ld	b,a
	ld	hl,xmmvoc-9
	ld	de,9
chkow3:	add	hl,de
	djnz	chkow3
	pop	af
	sub	176
	ld	b,a

	push	hl
	ld	hl,ownvdt-25+16
	ld	de,25
chkow4:	add	hl,de
	djnz	chkow4
	ex	de,hl
	pop	hl
	ld	bc,9
	pop	hl

;*** decrunch en print in beeld ***

drclus:	ld	a,(hl)				 ;lees data op hl
	cp	0feh
	jr	z,drc2
	or	a
	ret	z
	out	(c),a
	inc	hl
	jr	drclus

drc2:	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)			   ;aantal *
	ld	b,a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
drc3:	out	(c),a
	djnz	drc3
	inc	hl
	jr	drclus

setwrt:	ld	a,(0007)
	inc	a
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,h
	and	0c0h
	out	(c),a
	ld	a,08eh
	out	(c),a
	ld	a,h
	out	(c),l
	and	03fh
	or	040h
	out	(c),a
	dec	c

stpdrv:	ld	b,0
stpdr2:	push	bc
	call	0fd9fh
	pop	bc
	djnz	stpdr2

prtpak:	ld	hl,14*80+74
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,usrtxt
	ld	a,(packin)
	or	a
	jr	z,prtpa2
	ld	hl,edttxt
prtpa2:	ld	b,4

prtdrv:	ld	hl,13*80+70
	call	setwrt
	ld	a,(drive)
	add	a,"A"
	out	(c),a
	ld	a,":"
	ld	a,":"
	out	(c),a

;**** print text op command line ****

print:	push	hl
	ld	hl,22*80+2
	call	setwrt
	pop	hl
	jp	decrc

;*** verplaat error routines ***

moverr:	ld	a,0c3h
	ld	(0f24fh),a
	ld	hl,insert-derror+0d802h
	ld	(0f24fh+1),hl
	ld	hl,0d800h
	ld	(0f323h),hl
	ld	hl,0d802h
	ld	(0d800h),hl
	ld	hl,derror
	ld	de,0d802h
	ld	bc,einde-derror+1

;******  music cruncher  ******

crunch:	call	r800d
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patctx
	call	print

	ld	hl,08000h+200	;zet settings neer
	ld	de,08000h
	ld	bc,376
crunl1:	call	wrtdat
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	nz,crunl1

	ld	a,(08000h)	;last position,verplaats pat/pos data
	inc	a
	ld	b,a

	ld	a,(packin)
	or	a
	jr	z,crunly
	ld	b,201

crunly:	push	bc
	ld	hl,08000h
crunl2:	call	wrtdat
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	crunl2

	push	de
	pop	ix

	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a

	pop	bc	;zoek hoogste gebruikte pattern
	ld	e,1
	ld	hl,08000h
crunl3:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	e
	jr	c,crunl4
	ld	e,a
crunl4:	inc	hl
	djnz	crunl3
	ld	d,0

	ld	a,(packin)
	or	a
	jr	z,crunlx
	ld	e,76

crunlx:	push	ix
	dec	ix
	dec	ix
	pop	hl
	add	hl,de
	add	hl,de

	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a

	ld	b,e	;aantal patterns
	ex	de,hl
	ld	hl,08240h
	ld	a,242
	ld	(numzer),a
crunl5:	push	bc
	inc	ix
	inc	ix
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

	push	de
	res	7,d
	ld	(ix+0),e	;pattern adres
	ld	(ix+1),d
	pop	de
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	crunlc
	pop	bc
	djnz	crunl5

	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	xor	a
	ld	(de),a
	inc	de
	ex	de,hl
	ld	de,-08000h
	add	hl,de
	ld	(lengte),hl
	call	z80

crunlc:	ld	b,16	;aantal steps per pattern
crunl6:	push	bc
	ld	b,13
crunl7:	push	bc	;aantal bytes per step
	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	jr	nz,crunl8
	ld	a,(numzer)
	inc	a
	ld	(numzer),a
	call	wrtdt2
	pop	bc
	djnz	crunl7
	jr	crunla

crunl8:	ld	a,(numzer)
	cp	242
	jr	z,crunl9
	inc	de
crunl9:	ld	a,(hl)
	call	wrtdt2
	inc	de
	ld	a,242
	ld	(numzer),a
	pop	bc
	djnz	crunl7

crunla:	ld	a,(numzer)
	cp	242
	jr	z,crunlb
	inc	de
	ld	a,242
	ld	(numzer),a
crunlb:	pop	bc
	djnz	crunl6

wrtdat:	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	ex	af,af'
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ex	af,af'
	ld	(de),a
wrtdt2:	ex	af,af'
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ex	af,af'
	ld	(de),a
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	inc	hl
wrtdt3:	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	ex	af,af'
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	ex	af,af'
	ld	(de),a
wrtdt4:	ex	af,af'
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	ex	af,af'
	ld	(de),a
	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a
	inc	de

;******* music decruncher ********

mecrc:	call	r800d
	call	clrlin
	ld	hl,patdtx
	call	print
	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	call	resall

	ld	hl,08000h	;zet settings neer
	ld	de,08000h+200
	ld	bc,376	;aantal bytes v. settings
mecrl1:	call	wrtdt3
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	nz,mecrl1

	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

	ld	a,(08000h)	;last position,verplaats pat/pos data
	inc	a
	ld	b,a

	ld	a,(packi2)
	or	a
	jr	z,mecrly
	ld	b,201

mecrly:	push	bc
	ld	de,08000h
mecrl2:	call	wrtdt3
	inc	hl
	inc	de
	djnz	mecrl2

	push	hl
	pop	ix

	pop	bc	;zoek hoogste gebruikte pattern
	ld	e,1
	ld	hl,08000h
mecrl3:	ld	a,(hl)
	cp	e
	jr	c,mecrl4
	ld	e,a
mecrl4:	inc	hl
	djnz	mecrl3

	ld	d,0

	ld	a,(packi2)
	or	a
	jr	z,mecrlx
	ld	e,76

mecrlx:	push	ix
	pop	hl
	add	hl,de
	add	hl,de	;sla pattern adressen over

	ld	a,em1pag
	out	(0feh),a

	ld	de,08240h
	ld	bc,03dc0h
mecrl6:	ld	a,(hl)
	or	a
	jr	z,mecrla
	cp	243
	jr	nc,mecrl7
	call	wrtdt4
mecrl9:	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	nz,mecrl6

mecrla:	ld	a,sngpag
	out	(0feh),a
	jp	z80

mecrl7:	push	bc
	sub	242
	ld	b,a
mecrl8:	xor	a
	call	wrtdt4
	djnz	mecrl8
	pop	bc
	jr	mecrl9

;**** wis files in beeld ****

clrfil:	ld	hl,80
	ld	b,19
clrfi2:	push	bc
	push	hl
	call	setwrt
	ld	hl,clrftx
	call	decrc
	pop	hl
	ld	de,80
	add	hl,de
	pop	bc
	djnz	clrfi2

;*  set samples in audio-ram   *

sampdt:	db	1

movsmp:	ld	a,(sampdt)
	xor	1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	or	a
	call	z,movsm2	 ;initialization
	ld	a,(sampdt)
	cp	1
	call	z,movsm3

	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,060h
	out	(0c1h),a

	ld	bc,04000h
	ld	hl,08000h
movsm6:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,movsm4
movsm5:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,movsm5
	bit	4,a
	jr	z,movsm6
movsm4:	nop
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,078h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a

	ld	a,7
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,1
	out	(0c1h),a
movsm2:	ld	b,10
	ld	hl,sampd2
movsm8:	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c0h),a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	movsm8
movsm3:	ld	b,10
	ld	hl,sampd3
	jr	movsm8
getsm2:	ld	b,10
	ld	hl,sampd4
	jr	movsm8
getsm3:	ld	b,10
	ld	hl,sampd5
	jr	movsm8

sampd2:	db	004h,078h,004h,080h,007h,001h,007h,060h,008h,000h,009h
	db	000h,00ah,000h,00bh,0ffh,00ch,00fh,010h,0f0h
sampd3:	db	004h,078h,004h,080h,007h,001h,007h,060h,008h,000h,009h
	db	000h,00ah,010h,00bh,0ffh,00ch,01fh,010h,0f0h
sampd4:	db	004h,078h,004h,080h,007h,001h,007h,020h,008h,000h,009h
	db	000h,00ah,000h,00bh,0ffh,00ch,00fh,010h,0f0h
sampd5:	db	004h,078h,004h,080h,007h,001h,007h,020h,008h,000h,009h
	db	000h,00ah,010h,00bh,0ffh,00ch,01fh,010h,0f0h

;*  haal samples uit audio-ram   *

getsmp:	ld	a,(sampdt)
	xor	1
	ld	(sampdt),a
	or	a
	call	z,getsm2
	ld	a,(sampdt)
	cp	1
	call	z,getsm3
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,060h
	out	(0c1h),a

	ld	b,2

getsme:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	in	a,(0c1h)
getsmf:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,getsmf
	djnz	getsme

	ld	bc,04000h
	ld	hl,08000h
getsm6:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	in	a,(0c1h)
	ld	(hl),a
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,getsm4
getsm5:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,getsm5
	bit	4,a
	jr	z,getsm6
getsm4:	nop
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,078h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,7
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,1
	out	(0c1h),a

;*  set samples in audio-ram-2   *

m2vsmp:	push	bc
	pop	hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	push	hl
	call	m2vsm2
	pop	bc
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,060h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	hl,08000h
m2vsm6:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,m2vsm4
m2vsm5:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,m2vsm5
	bit	4,a
	jr	z,m2vsm6
m2vsm4:	nop
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,078h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,7
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,1
	out	(0c1h),a
m2vsm2:	ld	b,5
	ld	hl,s2mpd2
m2vsm8:	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c0h),a
	inc	hl
	ld	a,(hl)
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	djnz	m2vsm8

	ld	hl,(dstadr)
	ld	c,9
	ld	a,l
	call	mmout
	inc	c
	ld	a,h
	call	mmout
	ld	de,(lengte)
	add	hl,de
	inc	c
	ld	a,l
	call	mmout
	inc	c
	ld	a,h
	jp	mmout
g2tsm2:	ld	b,5
	ld	hl,s2mpd4
	jr	m2vsm8

s2mpd2: db 004h,078h,007h,001h,007h,060h,008h,000h,010h,0f0h
s2mpd4: db 004h,078h,007h,001h,007h,020h,008h,000h,010h,0f0h

;*  haal samples uit audio-ram   *

g2tsmp:	push	bc
	pop	hl
	ld	(lengte),hl
	add	hl,hl
	add	hl,hl
	push	hl
	call	g2tsm2
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,060h
	out	(0c1h),a

	ld	b,2
getsmg:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	in	a,(0c1h)
getsmh:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,getsmh
	djnz	getsmg

	pop	bc
	ld	hl,08000h
g2tsm6:	ld	a,0fh
	out	(0c0h),a
	in	a,(0c1h)
	ld	(hl),a
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	inc	hl
	dec	bc
	ld	a,b
	or	c
	jr	z,g2tsm4
g2tsm5:	in	a,(0c0h)
	bit	7,a
	jr	z,g2tsm5
	bit	4,a
	jr	z,g2tsm6
g2tsm4:	nop
	ld	a,4
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,078h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,080h
	out	(0c1h),a
	ld	a,7
	out	(0c0h),a
	ld	a,1
	out	(0c1h),a

;*** loop door files heen ***

curwlk:	call	wiscl3
	ld	hl,0101h
	ld	(filpx),hl
	ld	a,l
	ld	(filpnt),a
	call	filblk

curwll:	call	getkey
	cp	27
	jp	z,ldend2
	cp	30
	call	z,filup
	cp	28
	call	z,filri
	cp	29
	call	z,fillef
	cp	31
	call	z,fildow
	cp	" "
	jr	nz,curwll

curwk2:	call	wiscl3
	ld	hl,0101h
	ld	(filpx),hl
	ld	a,l
	ld	(filpnt),a
	call	filblk
curw2l:	call	getkey
	cp	27
	jp	z,ldend2
	cp	30
	call	z,filup
	cp	28
	call	z,filri
	cp	29
	call	z,fillef
	cp	31
	call	z,fildow
	cp	" "
	jr	z,curwk3
	cp	"!"
	jr	c,curw2l
	cp	"9"+1
	ret	c
	cp	"A"
	jr	c,curw2l
	cp	"Z"+1
	ret	c
	cp	"a"
	jr	c,curw2l
	cp	"z"+1
	jr	nc,curw2l

curwk3:	pop	af	;ret adres weg
	ld	hl,(relsav)
	jp	(hl)

resall:	ld	hl,xbegmd
	ld	de,xbegmd+1
	ld	bc,0c000h-xbegmd-1
	ld	(hl),0

ramld5:	ld	hl,0c000h
	call	setrd
	ld	de,0240h
	ld	hl,08000h
ramld6:	in	a,(c)
	ld	(hl),a
	inc	hl
	dec	de
	ld	a,d
	or	e
	jr	nz,ramld6

setrd:	di
	ld	c,098h
	ld	a,h
	and	0c0h
	out	(099h),a
	ld	a,08eh
	out	(099h),a
	ld	a,l
	out	(099h),a
	ld	a,h
	and	03fh
	out	(099h),a

;**** key handler ***

keyhan:	call	getkey
keyhn2:	ld	c,a
keylus:	ld	a,(ix+0)
	or	a
	ret	z
	ld	l,(ix+1)
	ld	h,(ix+2)
	cp	c
	jr	z,keyexe
	inc	ix
	inc	ix
	inc	ix
	jr	keylus
keyexe:	jp	(hl)

;*** get key ***

getkey:	push	hl
	call	0156h
	pop	hl
	jp	09fh

mmout:	ex	af,af'
	ld	a,c
	out	(0c0h),a
	ex	af,af'
	out	(0c1h),a

z80:	ld	a,(02dh)
	cp	3
	ret	c
	ld	a,00h	;lampje niet uit!
	jp	0180h

r800d:	ld	a,(02dh)
	cp	3
	ret	c
	ld	a,082h
	jp	0180h

bdos:	ld	(0fb41h),sp
	call	bdos2
	ld	hl,0
	ld	(0fb41h),hl

blddt1:	db	24,0feh,58,23,18,23,18,0feh,17,23,25
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22,"    DISK MENU    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load Song       ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save Song       ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show Songs      ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete Song     ",22
blddt5:	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load Samplekit  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save Samplekit  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show Samplekits ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete Samplekit",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Drive:          ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," File mode:      ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Format Disk     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load FST-Song   ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load FST-Drumkit",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Back to Editor  ",22
	db	20,0feh,58,23,17,23,17,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,78,32,22
	db	26,0feh,78,23,27
	db	0

blddt2:	db	24,0feh,58,23,18,23,18,0feh,17,23,25
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22,"    DISK MENU    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load Voice      ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save Voice      ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show Voices     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete Voice    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load V-bank     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save V-bank     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show V-banks    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete V-bank   ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Drive:          ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Format Disk     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Back to Editor  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Own Voicenr: 00 ",22
	db	20,0feh,58,23,17,23,17,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,78,32,22
	db	26,0feh,78,23,27
	db	0

blddt4:	db	24,0feh,58,23,18,23,18,0feh,17,23,25
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22,"    DISK MENU    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load Sample     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save Sample     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show Samples    ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete Sample   ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Load Samplekit  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Save Samplekit  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Show Samplekits ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Delete Samplekit",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Drive:          ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Format Disk     ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Back to Editor  ",22
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,20,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,58,32,22,32,22," Samplenr:       ",22
	db	20,0feh,58,23,17,23,17,0feh,17,23,19
	db	22,0feh,78,32,22
	db	26,0feh,78,23,27
	db	0

decdat:	db	"1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516"
clrftx:	db	22,0feh,58,32,0
edttxt:	db	"EDIT"
usrtxt:	db	"USER"
ldtxt:	db	"Select song to load...",0
ld2txt:	db	"Select FST-song to load...",0
ld3txt:	db	"Select FST-drumkit to load...",0
remtxt:	db	"Remove pitchbend data: YES  NO",0
omztxt:	db	"Converting FST-song...",0
svtxt:	db	"Select song to save or enter new name...",0
deltxt:	db	"Select song to delete...",0
ldtxt2:	db	"Select samplekit to load...",0
svtxt2:	db	"Select samplekit to save or enter new name...",0
deltx2:	db	"Select samplekit to delete...",0
ldtxt3:	db	"Select voice to load...",0
svtxt3:	db	"Select voice to save or enter new name...",0
deltx3:	db	"Select voice to delete...",0
ldtxt4:	db	"Select voicebank to load...",0
svtxt4:	db	"Select voicebank to save or enter new name...",0
deltx4:	db	"Select voicebank to delete...",0
ldtxt5:	db	"Select sample to load...",0
svtxt5:	db	"Select sample to save or enter new name...",0
fcetxt:	db	"File creation error!! ",0
fwrtxt:	db	"WRITE ERROR!! Operation aborted...",0
nffdtx:	db	"No FST-songs on disk to load...",0
nfddtx:	db	"No FST-drumkits on disk to load...",0
nfldtx:	db	"No songs on disk to load...",0
nfdltx:	db	"No songs on disk to delete...",0
ndldtx:	db	"No samplekits on disk to load...",0
nddltx:	db	"No samplekits on disk to delete...",0
neldtx:	db	"No voices on disk to load...",0
nedltx:	db	"No voices on disk to delete...",0
nbldtx:	db	"No voicebanks on disk to load...",0
nbdltx:	db	"No voicebanks on disk to delete...",0
nspltx:	db	"No samples on disk to load...",0
nspdtx:	db	"No samples on disk to delete...",0
nfittx:	db	"Sample is too big! Load it anyway (y/n)?",0
sfdltx:	db	"Are you sure you want to delete ........",0
patltx:	db	"Loading...",0
patstx:	db	"Saving...",0
patdtx:	db	"Decrunching...",0
patctx:	db	"Crunching...",0
patftx:	db	"Reading Directory...",0
fortxt:	db	"Are you sure you want to format the disk in drive  : (y/n)?",0
for2tx:	db	"Single or Double sided disk (1/2)?",0
for3tx:	db	"Formatting...",0
for4tx:	db	"Disk error while formatting!!",0
nsntxt:	db	"Enter new filename:                          ",0
fnftxt:	db	"LOAD ERROR!! Operation aborted...",0
abtxt:	db	"DISK NOT READY! Operation aborted...",0

yesblk:	db	001110000b
noblk:	db	000000011b
clrblk:	db	000000000b
emptxt:	db	0feh,76," ",0
ownnr:	db	0
filcnt:	db	0
packin:	db	1
packi2:	db	0
drive:	db	0
dstadr:	dw	0

lngblk:	dw	0

nbdat:	dw	0
nambuf:	ds	6*19*8
blkdat:	dw	0800h+3*10+7
	dw	0800h+4*10+7
	dw	0800h+5*10+7
	dw	0800h+6*10+7
	dw	0800h+8*10+7
	dw	0800h+9*10+7
	dw	0800h+10*10+7
	dw	0800h+11*10+7
	dw	0800h+13*10+7
	dw	0800h+14*10+7
	dw	0800h+15*10+7
	dw	0800h+17*10+7
	dw	0800h+18*10+7
	dw	0800h+20*10+7
blkdt2:	db	0
blkdt3:	db	3,255,254
blkdt4:	db	011111b,011100000b,01111b,011110000b,0111b,011111000b
	db	011b,011111100b,01b,011111110b,0,011111111b
blkdt8:	dw	0800h+3*10+7
	dw	0800h+4*10+7
	dw	0800h+5*10+7
	dw	0800h+6*10+7
	dw	0800h+8*10+7
	dw	0800h+9*10+7
	dw	0800h+10*10+7
	dw	0800h+11*10+7
	dw	0800h+13*10+7
	dw	0800h+15*10+7
	dw	0800h+17*10+7

filpx:	db	0
filpy:	db	0
filpnt:	db	0
fcb:	db	0,"????????MBM"
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
fsdext:	db	"SM1"
fstext:	db	"MUS"
sngext:	db	"MBM"
drmext:	db	"MBK"
vceext:	db	"MBV"
vcbext:	db	"MBB"
smpext:	db	"MBS"
relsav:	dw	0

fcbsav:	db	0,"???????????"
	dw	0
groot:	dw	0
bleng:	dw	0
	db	0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
blok:	dw	0
	dw	0

lengte:	dw	0
nnbuf:	db	"        "
nnbuf2:	db	0
numzer:	db	0

tmpstr:	ds	192

sadrbf:	ds	4
mvbbyt:	db	0
jmpdat:	dw	disksn,disksm,diskvc

smpadd:	dw	00000h,003ffh	;1
	dw	00400h,007ffh	;2
	dw	00800h,00bffh	;3
	dw	00c00h,00fffh	;4
	dw	01000h,013ffh	;5
	dw	01400h,017ffh	;6
	dw	01800h,01bffh	;7
	dw	01c00h,01fffh	;8
	dw	00000h,007ffh	;9
	dw	00800h,00fffh	;10
	dw	01000h,017ffh	;11
	dw	01800h,01fffh	;12
	dw	00000h,00fffh	;13
smpa14:	dw	01000h,01fffh	;14

;**** disk error hook routines ****

derror:	ld	a,(0f342h)
	ld	h,040h
	call	024h
	ld	sp,(0fb41h)

insert:	push	af
	ld	hl,22*80+2
	call	setwr2-derror+0d802h
	ld	hl,instxt-derror+0d802h
	ld	b,60
	ld	hl,22*80+2+22
	call	setwr2-derror+0d802h
	pop	af
	out	(c),a
	call	09fh
	ld	hl,22*80+2
	call	setwr2-derror+0d802h
	ld	hl,dertx2-derror+0d802h
	ld	b,60
	pop	af

dertx2:	db	"                                                             "
instxt:	db	"Insert disk for drive  : and press any key when ready...     ",0

setwr2:	ld	a,(0007)
	inc	a
	ld	c,a
	ld	a,h
	and	0c0h
	out	(c),a
	ld	a,08eh
	out	(c),a
	ld	a,h
	out	(c),l
	and	03fh
	or	040h
	out	(c),a
	dec	c

einde:	end
