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14 bytes added, 05:07, 26 June 2018
'#tempo' should be used with for the first time. You should change tempo in the first track and if you change it again in the songs, synchronize timings with other tracks.
1 t86l4ct190def
2 l8ccddeeff
Example above does not occur tempo gaps but example below occur it, because changing tempo while playing musics on the tracks 2 and 3.
Example: 1 t86l8ct190def
2 l4cdef
3 l4gggg
Tempo are not independent on every tracks. Track 2 and 3 does not have tempo settings but that on the track 1 (to be exact, at the note next to changing tempo) effects other tracks in 2 examples above. Tempo setting on such manner only consumes track buffers.
Example: 1 t86cdet90cdet100cdef
2 t86efgt90efgt100efga
3 t86ccct90ccct100cccc

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