

3,416 bytes added, 18:19, 15 July 2019
Created page with " *q-,u+ db 0feh dw start dw einde dw start org 0e000h sngpag equ 1 edtpag equ 2 dskpag equ 3 em1pag equ 4 em2pag equ 5 vocpag equ 6 smppag equ 7 xpos equ..."
db 0feh
dw start
dw einde
dw start
org 0e000h

sngpag equ 1
edtpag equ 2
dskpag equ 3
em1pag equ 4
em2pag equ 5
vocpag equ 6
smppag equ 7

xpos equ 08000h ;->in song only 200 long!
xleng equ xpos+200 ;->last position.
xuser1 equ xleng+1 ;->user code # 1.
xmmvoc equ xuser1+2 ;->module instruments.
xmmsti equ xmmvoc+16*9 ;->instrument module.
xpasti equ xmmsti+16 ;->instruments / volumes pac.
xstpr equ xpasti+32 ;->stereo settings.
xtempo equ xstpr+10 ;->starting pace.
xsust equ xtempo+1 ;->modulation depth.
xnaam equ xsust+1 ;->song name.
xchip equ xnaam+40 ;->preferred chip.
xbegvm equ xchip+1 ;->initial instrument module.
xbegvp equ xbegvm+9 ;->initial instruments pac.
xorgp1 equ xbegvp+9 ;->data from software voices pac.
xorgnr equ xorgp1+6*8 ;->numbers of software voices.
xsmpkt equ xorgnr+6 ;->sample kit name.
xdrblk equ xsmpkt+8 ;->pac drum blocks.
xdrvol equ xdrblk+15 ;->volumes drum pac.
xdrfrq equ xdrvol+3 ;->frequencies drum pac.
xuser2 equ xdrfrq+3*6 ;->user code # 2 (= 1 on with other codes).
xrever equ xuser2+2 ;->reverb settings.
xloop equ xrever+9 ;->loop position.

xbegmd equ 08240h
ownvdt equ 0c400h+176*25
smpnr equ 0f975h
loaded equ 0f976h
notvcm equ 0f977h
notvcp equ 0f977h+9
smpadr equ notvcp+9
smknam equ smpadr+56
vcenr equ smknam+8
fkndat equ vcenr+1
keybdt equ fkndat+1
midint equ keybdt+1 ;0=musmod 1=turbo-r 2=vak
usrdat equ midint+1
us2dat equ usrdat+2
naudat equ us2dat+2
scandt equ naudat+1

subs equ 0d900h
subs2 equ 0d914h
subs3 equ 0d928h
decdat equ 0c000h

dosprog equ 1=0
grpprog equ 1=0

include mybios


xor a
ld (0f3dbh),a ;@ ;key click off
ld a,1
ld (smpnr),a
ld a,1
ld (midint),a
ld (fkndat),a
ld (keybdt),a

ld hl,0 ;@
ld (0f3eah),hl ;@
ld a,15 ;@
ld (0f3e9h),a ;@
bios 062h ;@

width 80
ld a,011110000b
out (099h),a
ld a,13+128
out (099h),a

ld a,0100011b
out (099h),a
ld a,12+128
out (099h),a

; vdpreg 13,011110000B
; vdpreg 12,0100011B

call wiscol

ld a,2
ld de,07006h
call change_color
ld a,3
ld de,05000h
call change_color

ld a,edtpag
ld hl,fil1
call load2

ld a,vocpag
ld hl,fil2
call load2

ld a,dskpag
ld hl,fil3
call load2

ld a,smppag
ld hl,fil4
call load2

ld a,sngpag
ld hl,fil5
call load2

ld hl,fil8
call load

ld hl,fil6
call load

ld hl,fil7
call load
jp 0d93dh

load2: out (0feh),a
load: ld de,fcbsav+1
ld bc,11
ld de,fcbsav
bdos open ;open the file
ld hl,1
ld (groot),hl ;blok size = 1
dec hl
ld (blok),hl
ld (blok+2),hl ;blok number = 0

ld de,0f975h
bdos setdma
ld hl,7
ld de,fcbsav
bdos read
ld de,(0f976h)
bdos setdma

ld hl,(bleng)
ld de,-7
add hl,de
ld de,fcbsav
bdos read ;read file
ld de,fcbsav
bdos close

wiscol: ld hl,0800h
ld bc,256
xor a
bios 016bh

change_color: out (099h),a
ld a,090h
out (099h),a
ld a,d
out (09ah),a
ld a,e
out (09ah),a

fcbsav: db 0," "
dw 0
groot: dw 0
bleng: dw 0
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
blok: dw 0
dw 0

fil1: db "MOONBLASCOM"
fil2: db "VOICMENUCOM"
fil3: db "DISKMENUCOM"
fil4: db "SAMPLER COM"
fil5: db "EXAMPDATCOM"
fil6: db "VOICES COM"
fil7: db "INSTALL COM"
fil8: db "DECDAT COM"

einde: end