

7 bytes added, 17:13, 29 March 2018
Use in BASIC
This allows you to load a MoonBIaster song. This song is loaded at the set address in the set memory bank. Note that only USER files will be loaded and played correctly.
;CALL MBCHIP (chipnrchipnumber)
Sets the desired sound chip where the music should be played on: 0 MSX AUDIO 1 MSX-MUSIC 2 or higher STEREO (MSX-AUDIO and MSX-MUSIC)  ;CALL MBBANK (bank number)  Sets the memory bank of the memory mapper that contains the song to be played back, or in which a song is to be loaded. Only works if no music is playing. A memory bank of the memory mapper is 16 kB. Usually the value 3 will be taken for bank number. The maximum bank number depends on the amount of memory in your computer.
;CALL MBADDR (address)