VTX Roman Scherbakov (V_Soft) designed this type. This is the best format for storing interrupted music from different AY-3-8910/12 and YM2149 based platforms.

From README.TXT (translation from Russian):

cut here-------------------

Offset Size Type Description 00 dec 2 bytes Word VTX file identifier (ay or ym)

                        Its chip type by default:
                        this is 7961h or 31073 dec (ay)
                        this is 6D79h or 28025 dec (ym)

02 1 Byte bit Playing mode by default:

                        Bits 0-2 determine stereo mode:
                        0 – MONO, 1 – ABC, 2 – ACB, 3 – BAC,
                        4 – BCA, 5 – CAB, 6 – CBA (dec)

03 2 Word Loop VBL number (from zero =

                        beginning of melody).

05 4 Dword AY chip frequency for this melody

                        ( for compatibility with non-Spectrum platforms)
                        Standard values:
                        ZX_Spectrum: 1773400 (or 001B0F58h)
                        Atari: 2000000 (or 001E8480h)
                        Amstrad CPC: 1000000 (or 000F4240h)

09 1 Byte Player frequency (VBL per sec).

                        Standard value 50 =
                        1/50 sec (20ms).

10 2 bytes Word Year of composition creating. 12 4 Dword Size of not packed data.

                        Needed for unpacking.

16 1-255 NTString String with melody name

                        (1-254 chars), must be ended with zero even
                        if no title at all!

?? 1-255 NTString String with author name (see ^) ?? 1-255 NTString Melody source program (see ^) ?? 1-255 NTString Musical editor name (see ^) ?? 1-255 NTString Comment string (see ^) ??  ?? Array Compressed data packet...

cut here-------------------


1) Data compressed with LHA type 5. May to pack with LHA.EXE (as YM files), but needed to cut header and last zero byte of compressed file. Header of LHA-archive file is found at start of file. Its length is value of first byte of header plus 2.

2) After unpacking the data block is equivalent to YM3 data block.

Also can be found old version of VTX files (of VTX player older than 2.00 version). AY Emulator can to play it too.

VTX files can be converted from emulators sound dump files (for ZX Spectrum and MSX this is usually PSG-files). But last time you can find emulators, which can to dump music in VTX format too. One of them is Unreal Speccy by SMT.