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Note value

<len> means note value. Specify it with decimal numerals.

1-192 Musical note value
#<num>  Absolute note value (counts) <1-254>
.        Dot (double dot is acceptable)
^        Additional note value (tie)
+      (Same as above)
-      Reduced note value
¥      (Same as above)

When you describe in musical note value "1" means whole-note, "4" means quarter note, "8" means 8th note and so forth. It is specified from 1 to 192.

Dot after note value is treated as musical dotted note. Multiple dots are acceptable while it is meaningful length.

[example] c8
8th note
[example] c8.
Dotted 8th note (equals as 8th note + 16th note).
Equals to quarter note + 8th note + 16 note + 32nd note.

Absolute note value (with counts) specification unit by resolution. It is described with "#" at the top of values.

When resolution of whole-note has 192 counts, quarter note is "#48" and 8th note is "24".

It is specified from 1 to 9999. If you want to express note value more than this, use tie or legato.

[example] c#192
Whole-note (when resolution has 192 counts)
[example] c#12
Means 16th when resolution has 192 counts (16/192 = 12)
[example] c#12.
Error. (Dots are not available).

Quarter note corresponds to 48 counts (then whole-note has 192 counts) as default resolution of the driver. It is changeable with #COUNT header.

Note values can be omitted. Set it with l command when you omitted note value.

Additional note length (tie) with "^" or "+" and reduced with "\" or "-" can be expressed. Musical note value, absolute note value and omission of note values enable flexible expressions of note values.

[example] c16.^4
Dotted 16th note + quarter note
[example] c2^4^8
Two dotted half note (half note + quarter note + 8th note)
[example] l8 c4^^
Half note (quarter note + 8th note + 8th note)
[example] c2-16-4
Dotted 8th note (half note - 16th note - quarter note)
[example] c2-8^4.
Dotted half note (half note - 8th note + dotted quarter note)
[example] c2-#3
Half note - 3 counts
[example] c#12-32
12 counts - 32nd note
[example] l4 f¥16
Dotted 8th note (quarter note - 16th note)
[example] l4 c++2
Dotted half note (quarter note of  c sharp + half note)
[example] l2 e--8  
Dotted quarter note (half note if c flat - 8th note)

Musical note values are different from ordinary numerals and treated as in musical grammar. For example quarter note + 8th note is dotted quarter note.

Scale can be only first one once. For example, when quarter note of c connected to 8th note of c with tie, "c4^8" is acceptable instead of "c4^c8".

1 bytes of data can hold 254 counts for maximum. If exceeded to 254 counts with additional note value, it is extended to 2bytes such as 255 + x1 + x2 and is generated when compile.

255 counts treated as 255 + 0, 600 counts as 255 + 255+ 90, 100 counts as 255 + 255 + 255 + 235 and so forth. Q command works only for the last byte and sometimes sounds differ from you wanted to. Use slur or legato to specify note value in such case.