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Entering music
While entering the notes, it may be useful to listen to the sound (note audition). This can be set with the [CTRL] - [K]. If the note audition is on, the correct tone will sound for each input note. This way, mistakes can easily be made. Of course, the [F1] and [F2] buttons (play) can also be used.
A tone can (and sometimes must) be turned off. This can be done with the [O] key. An 'OFF' will then appear in the pattern. If you want to play an A # 5 on channel 5, and you only need to play a step (a sixteenth note), you have to move the cursor to channel 5 with the cursor keys (this is the fifth column) and type A # 5 year. there, immediately followed by an OFF event. 
A somewhat more extensive OFF is only possible for MSX-MUSIC, namely the sustain option. The nut is not immediately cut off, but slowly dies out. This command can be entered with the [U] key. A 'SUS' will then appear in the pattern. With MSX-AUDIO this simply becomes an OFF.