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32 bytes added, 06:02, 22 July 2018
#TEMPO <num>
Exchanges track A and O. Exchanges track B and P.
==headers3 == #TEMPO <num>===
Defines tempo. The range is from 1 to 999. Default value is 120.
It is almost same as t command of MML and this header is needed when you use j command.
===#TITLE <str>===
Defines title of the song.
"&", "<", ">", """, and "'" are changed to character reference and tab is changed to 4 space characters.
===#TITLE_ANK <str>===
Define music name in ANK characters (Alphabet, Number and Kana i.e).
If this header is omitted, content same as #TITLE is defined.
===#V_STEP <num>===
Define number of steps of v command. Range is 1-255 and 15 is default value. PSG track is not effected.
Enables v0 - 127 (same as V command)
===#VOLMAX <num>===
Define V command value when v commands specifies maximum value. Range is 64-127 and 125 is default value. PSG track is not effected.
Same as "v15=V125"
 ===#VOLMIN <num>===
Define V command value when v commands specifies 0. Range is 0-127 and 85 is default value. PSG track is not effected.
Same as "v0=V85"
===#VOICE_MODE <num>===
Define order of tone parameters on OPM tone define track. Refer "OPM tone define track" for details.
Capitalize y command. It is useful when you port MML from other music drivers.

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